Good Afternoon!
Well for those of you who don't know, my sewing machine's name is Susie. On Thursday night (after I went out shopping for a bunch of fabric), me and Susie got in a huge fight because she was miss-behaving. Friday morning before work I tried again to sort things out with her, and even Friday after work she was still acting out. I was ready to go out and get a new sewing machine...
Well she must of heard the threat of that. My sister sat down with her and gave her a talking to, and she has been a little doll ever since. So I have been sewing all weekend, partly afraid she will start acting up again. I realized this weekend, that I have become addicted to sewing very quickly. Anyways, that is my story about Susie. Here are the things we made this weekend.

I found an amazing tutorial on how to make little zippered pouches, with a photo for each step and easy simple instructions, so I decided to make my own zippered pouch. This little one matches the material on my camera strap, and it can clip onto the camera strap, so I can stick my camera lens, or filter, or a extra memory card in there and have it handy. It was super simple, and I'm quite proud of myself for sewing my first zipper!
I found this pattern, for wide leg lounge pants in Amy Butlers In Stiches book, and I was so excited to make them. I made a size medium, but I ended up taking in the waist about an inch and half. In total I ended up taking about 3 inches off each leg, but in the end I am very happy with them. Drawstring closure at the top, they are wide and very comfy. I love them. Pretty proud of myself for making my first pair of pj pants, and they only took one evening. And I got the material on sale. Love them.

Well once I was done the pants, and so in love with them I decided I would use some of the scaps to make myself a sleep mask. I actually use my existing sleep mask everynight, so I figured it made sense to have a cute one matching my new favorite pants. It was pretty simple, I ended up putting eyelets in to tie the ribbon through. Popcorn seeds inside so I can keep it chilled in the freezer.

So after that was done I figured I better actually do at least one of the things that was on my to do list for the weekend, so I made this cute frame. Just printed out a quote, cut it out and mounted on some cardstock. Easy peasy.

Well thats all I've created so far this weekend. Hope you've had time to create something! Thanks for visiting! Have a fantastic week!