Yay its Friday again. I haven't been up to much crafty goodness this week. I've been so tired, the last couple of nights I've just collapsed into bed as soon as I get home from work. No Fun! But this weekend I am sure I am going to have a wonderfully productive, energetic, crafting weekend (like my positive thinking?!). Tomorrow I am going to The Great Canadian Scrapbook Carnival - wow did I just figure out how to link my words!? - with my sister. Should be great fun! We started working on some scrapbooking pages together on Tuesday evening, so hopefully on Saturday we can work on them a bit more. As usual, I have a bajillion projects swirling around in my mind, so I cant wait to get started on them. 

This weekend, one of my goals is to play along with Dawn's Color challenge. I love her cards, but I've never actually played along with a color challenge before. So hopefully I will have a card to share soon!
Time (and energy) permitting, I will hopefully be back later tonight with some crafty goodness.
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